Notice of Teamviewer Disclaimer

Remote Maintenance and Support via TeamViewer Disclaimer

York HG Properties offers remote support for our applications using TeamViewer remote support software.

The remote maintenance software “TeamViewer” enables our support staff to see your screen and/or to control your computer remotely to offer precise assistance.


You are about to establish a joint meeting with a York HG Properties technical support team member. Please note: by starting the TeamViewer software you automatically agree to the liability disclaimer.

York HG Properties does not accept any liability for data or software that is lost, corrupted, deleted or altered prior to, during or after the remote session.

Data security is the sole responsibility of the customer. Liability is restricted to intent and gross negligence. York HG Properties accepts no liability for faults for which it is not responsible, even if they occur around the time when the support is provided.

By clicking on the button you hereby confirm your acceptance of the terms of this disclaimer and give consent to allow the York HG Properties support team member control of your computer. Please note that the service is only available during our business hours and subject to prior arrangement by telephone with our support staff.

  • The advisor cannot access your computer without your express consent.
  • The advisor cannot collaborate with you without your express consent.
  • No third-party programs other than York HG Properties software solutions or York HG Properties partner software will be installed on your computer without prior discussion and your express permission
  • Data will not be removed from your computer unnoticed and without authorization


  • The custom link provided ensures that you will be connected to a York HG Properties support staff member.
  • Every TeamViewer session is encoded with a 1024bit RSA Private/public Key Exchange and 256 Bit AES system.
  • Please find detailed information about the security of TeamViewer here.
  • You can end the session at any given time.
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Rental Property

Portal access for owners of rental properties managed by York H-G Properties


Portal access for tenants of rental properties managed by York H-G Properties

Association Homeowners

Portal access for homeowners in an Homeowners or Condo Association managed by York H-G Properties